Deal Sourcing
Led by real estate expert Jonathan Twombly, this course is designed to teach you the essential skills for identifying and securing profitable real estate deals. The course covers everything from building a strong investment team and selecting the right market to finding and analyzing deals, and crafting successful bids.
💰 $199 ⌛ 5.5 hrs 🖥️ Async 🏷️  Finance, Operations
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4 modules, 24 lessons, 5.5 hours

The Essential Members of Your Team
Lesson 1: Introduction to Building Your Team
Lesson 2: The Team Members You Need Right Now
Lesson 3: The Team Members You Need to Scale
Lesson 4: Defining Your Own Role
Lesson 5: Finding the Best Property Manager

Choosing an Investment Market
Lesson 6: Introduction to Market Selection
Lesson 7: Understanding Cap Rates
Lesson 8: Understanding Market Cycles – Part 1
Lesson 9: Understanding Market Cycles – Part 2
Lesson 10: Selecting Good Markets for Investing
Lesson 11: Selecting Good Submarkets for Investing

How to Find Good Deals
Lesson 12: Intro: How to Find Good Multifamily Deals
Lesson 13: Where You Find Good Multifamily Deals
Lesson 14: Get Brokers to Show You Their Best Deals
Lesson 15: Make a Broker Credibility Package that Works
Lesson 16: Desktop Due Diligence
Lesson 17: How to Use the Quick & Dirty Deal Analyzer

How to Get a Deal Under Contract
Lesson 18: Intro: Bidding on Deals
Lesson 19: How Bidding Works
Lesson 20: Should I Bid on the Deal?
Lesson 21: Strategies for a Winning Bid
Lesson 22: The Letter of Intent
Lesson 23: The Purchase and Sale Agreement
Lesson 24: Course Conclusion
Walk away with
- The knowledge to build and structure an effective real estate investment team
- The ability to choose the right investment markets and submarkets based on key economic indicators
- The skills to find and analyze profitable real estate deals using desktop due diligence and quick deal analysis tools
- Strategies for crafting winning bids and understanding the fundamentals of purchase agreements
Meet Jonathan